Guide: Quip vs Google Docs: Comparison and Review

Google Docs is currently the king of web-based collaborative writing. It’s so popular that Microsoft had to come up with its own web-based product (it’s essentially a lightweight version of the Office Word you’re used to). But outside of MS, no one really competes with Google Docs. Editorial tried and failed. Design seems to have chosen up Editorial mantle, but I’m not a big fan of how Draft does a lot of things. But Editorially and Draft pushed the limits of online writing, relying heavily on Markdown and throwing away rich text. As much as I would like it, Markdown is not for everyone. But it is awesome. This is where Quip comes into play. Quip doesn’t take an extreme text-only route like Draft. It’s somewhere in the middle. Does that mean it is good? Let’s find out.

Quip is clean and fast

Google Docs should be the writing suite for the modern world, but it still looks like MS Word. Quip, on the other hand, embraces modern design and preserves everything from backgrounds to typography to the user interface cleanThere are no rulers, dozens of menus, or sub-menus to mess around with. You can choose from 6 typography themes, but that’s it.

The reason there is no formatting toolbar is that you don’t need one. Quip follows a mix of standard Markdown and popup editing options such as Medium and the Desk Mac app. You decide what to do with the text after you select it.

Markdown allows you to specify headings, lists, code blocks and more.

Google Docs is Feature Rich and supports add-ons and scripts

This is one of the best things about Google Docs, and if you’re an experienced user, it can make you forget about all of Doc’s other troubles. Docs already has great add-ons for writers, and you can write scripts to customize things for yourself.

Quip has none of these things. As power features its what you want, Quip is not for you.

For pure writing, Quip takes the prize

When it comes to the sheer pleasure of writing, Quip is way better than Google Docs. Moreover, it supports developer-friendly features such as code blocks, inline code and more.

For formatting and live collaboration, Docs is still the best

I think simple text formatting is better in Quip where you can just write a sentence with two # symbols and make it a level 2 heading. Making a list and adding a block quote is also similar.

But when it comes to formatting the entire document, with images that go with the text, multiple text sizes, font options, color, and more, Google Docs wins hands down. I mean, in Quip, you can’t even click and drag an in-line image to make it smaller or bigger.

In Google Docs, you can easily make those changes and expect the text to flow freely in the available space.

While Quip has a great collaboration feature With comments and version tracking, you won’t get those live changes with cursors when two people are working on the document at the same time.


Quip is great for writing. Docs is great for power users features related to writing. When it comes to collaboration and version tracking, Quip is similar to Docs, except for editing multiple cursors live on a single screen. Currently, Quip and Docs are both free to use. With Quip, you can integrate things like checklists and even a spreadsheet directly into the document. But that list is nothing compared to Doc’s apps and scripts integrations. Quip supports HTML and Markdown exports. The generated PDF looks pretty sweet too. Both have version control systems, but while Docs shows you your full revision history, Quip shows changes to the document in the sidebar.

What is your favorite?

Of course, both apps include a lot more than what I’ve written here and you should explore them both at your own pace. Are you in the Google Docs camp or the Quip camp? Share with us in the comments below.

Quip vs Google Docs: Comparison and Review: benefits


Final note

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