Guide: Repairability Chart Outs Industry Focus on Disposable Tablets

The computer industry’s shift from large open boxes to small, tightly integrated mobile devices, with which Apple began in many ways in the early 2000s, has ushered in a new era of portability and functionality. But it has also deprived customers of expandability, customization, and repairability. For most users buying new tablets and ultrabooks, the days of upgrading and repairing hardware after purchase are over. From the perspective of many companies, consumers are encouraged to view new devices through a disposable lens. Fortunately, the fine folks at iFixit have made a pledge for years to update consumers on the sacrifices they will have to make to recoverability and upgradeability when moving to a new device, and the company has just released a new table summarizing the results of the device. efforts. Unsurprisingly, Apple, which pioneered the mass adoption of tightly integrated devices with the launch of the first iMac in 1998, is low on the list, while Dell, which still clings to the traditional desktop PC market, at the top. In fact, the Dell XPS 10, a $ 500 Windows 8 tablet released in early 2021, takes the highest score for repairability, with 9 out of a total of 10. Conversely, Apple’s recent iPad models hit four out of the bottom five places with an average repairability score of 2 out of 10. Interestingly, Microsoft’s recently launched Surface Pro ranks last, due to an almost insurmountable amount of glue holding the components together. Indeed, opening the Surface Pro is a risky proposition that risks breaking cables and cracking displays. As iFixit explains in its press release announcing the new chart, “Every time you walk into an electronics store, you make a choice. Every gadget you buy is a vote cast. We want people to make informed decisions, as their vote influences how hardware manufacturers choose to design in the future. “ Indeed, tight integration has brought a new level of convenience and performance for computing, but whether the industry is shifting completely to a throwaway mentality is up to consumers. iFixit’s guide provides concerned consumers with an excellent starting point for making informed purchasing decisions.

Repairability Chart Outs Industry Focus on Disposable Tablets: benefits


Final note

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