Guide: These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to

Everyone you know uses their smartphones to capture amazing, funny, beautiful and crazy moments in their life. While there are many ways to store these photos in the cloud, most of us have a hard time remembering where some of the photos were taken. I resorted to creating directories where each directory was named something like ‘place year’. This never cut it until I started geotagging my photos. This was much better until I realized I don’t know how to read the EXIF ​​data from my old photos. What is that? EXIF format is used to store important data such as date and time of the photo, ISO, shutter speed, white balance and camera fashion model. These are important values ​​for photographers. Most smartphones, camera’s and DSLRs have this feature Now we are all sorted. We store location data for every photo we take, but there is a different problem. How do you get access to this data? Here are 6 sites to help you find the EXIF ​​data of any photo you want. Note that this method also works for old photos you took with a camera but can’t remember the location.

1. Search Google Images

This may or may not work, but it’s still worth a try. Google Image Search is quite powerful. So when you load an image by dragging it to the search bar, Google will try to guess its location.

Since most of us already use Google on a daily basis, this is the fastest way to easily find the location based on photos. But it is also the least accurate which is why we will discuss some other solutions as well. Visit Google Image Search

2. Photo location

Photo Location is a simple looking site that helps you find the location of the photo quickly. Just drag the image to the upload area. If the EXIF ​​data includes the location, you will see the latitude and longitude data along with the address.

Below that, the address of the location in the image is plotted on a Google Map. What more can you do? You can also add the location information from the EXIF ​​data on the image and share it directly with social media sites. This is really cool and also useful because the next time you open that image, you don’t need a tool to tell you where the photo was clicked. It’s printed on it. If you think the location information is not entirely correct, you can edit it before downloading or sharing the photo. Visit Photo Location

3. Metapicz

Although Photo Location will only find location information from the photo, it is not the only information stored in EXIF. Do you want to know what else is hiding there. You may be surprised. Metapicz extracts all the data it can find for you to view.

Below the Camera and Location column, you will see the EXIF ​​and XMP column showing more data than you can handle if you are not a professional photographer. It knows I used Snapseed to edit the image, the flash was set to auto, ISO, aperture, lens, focal length and a lot more. Apparently I was 20 meters above sea level! Metapicz is a cool site and easy to use. Visit Metapicz

4. Pic2Map

Another site where you can find EXIF ​​location information of a photo. Pic2Map works the same as other sites we’ve seen before. You can drag and drop the image or select a file location to upload the image. Once you do this, it will show the location and address of the photo, along with an interactive map.

Like Metapicz, Pic2Map also collects additional data from the photo such as the make and model of the device, ISO speed, focal length, shutter speed, GPS info and so on. You’ll have to scroll down a bit to find all this useful information. Pic2Map takes this a step further and will also show a lot of other images from nearby areas. I saw pictures of cities that were within 600 km radius. All related photos were artistic in nature as if the developers wanted to refresh my memories. Visit Pic2Map

5. Where is the picture

Most of the sites I used to create my home address were basic as far as design was concerned, except maybe Pic2Map. Where’s the Image has a good looking user interface with many famous landmarks photos in a carousel. Once you’ve selected your image in the upload area, the site will do its thing. There is no drag and drop functionality. Surprisingly, they have thought about the homepage design.

If you want more details of the EXIF ​​database, just click on the blue button that says Read picture information at the top of the card. This will reveal a doll up with all information like GPS, IFD0, file details and EXIF ​​data like speed, exposure, etc. Visit Where is the picture

6. Use the browsers

If you are a photographer who constantly finds himself / herself uploading images to different sites then you should go for a browser extension. If you are using Firefox, use the EXIF ​​Viewer addonJust install it like any other addon in Firefox. Around the addon, upload the image to a site like Flickr or just open a new tab and drag the image there. Now right click on the image and select EXIF ​​Viewer.

If you are using Chrome, install the EXIF ​​Viewer extension like any other extension from the Chrome Store. Now, when you hover the mouse pointer over an image no matter where you are, you will see EXIF ​​data at the top of the image.

If the image has GPS coordinates, you will see a red GPS link. Click on it to open Google maps with the location plotted on it. The Chrome extension also worked on Google Images search results.

Follow your life backwards

My parents were not so lucky. In their day, smartphones didn’t even exist and they had to rely on traditional ones cameraphotos to capture memories. We have so much technology at our disposal. Capturing and storing vital data shouldn’t be difficult if you know the right tools for the job. The next up: Don’t want geolocation and EXIF ​​data on every photo you take on Android and iOS device? Here’s a way to remove that information from your smartphone photos.

These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to”] In this guide, we told you about the These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to; please read all steps so that you understand These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

I hope you like the guide These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide These Websites Will Help You Find Loca­tion From a Pho­to, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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