Guide: Tran­scribe Audio Notes Using YouTube Auto Captions: Guide

Sometimes you need a quick transcription of some audio notes and you may not feel like rewinding back and forth. Fortunately, there is a really easy way to do this with YouTube’s automatic captioning system. The results are not always perfectly accurate. All you need to do is go through the text a bit and correct the errors. This will still end up saves you the time you would otherwise have spent. Here’s How to use YouTube to transcribe your audio notes.

Using YouTube’s automatic captioning system to transcribe text

Using Auto Caption to transcribe a text is quite easy. Basically, all you need is the audio file you want to transcribe, an image file (it doesn’t matter what it shows) and a YouTube account. The rest of the tools are easy to find online. First, you need your audio file to become a video (at least in YouTube’s eyes). You do this just like you would upload a song to YouTube (if you want to convert a YouTube video to MP3, that’s easy to do too). Step 1: The easiest way to do this is to use a service like TunesToTube, which converts your audio file into a YouTube video. So go to TunesToTube and connect your YouTube account to the service. If you are not signed in to YouTube, you will need to sign in.

Step 2: Allow TunesToTube to manage your YouTube account.

Step 3: Your next step is to add your audio and image files. This is done through TunesToTube’s simple interface – click Upload Files. Add whatever title and description you want and you don’t have to add tags if you don’t want to.

Note: The only important thing is that the audio is in a language that has YouTube’s automatic subtitles feature understands. Those languages ​​are English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Step 3: Once you have browsed your files and added them to TunesToTube, don’t forget to fill in the CAPTCHA. After that, you can go ahead and click Create Video!

Step 4: Wait for your video to upload. The upload time depends on the size of your audio file and image, how fast your internet connection is and, last but not least, the load on the YouTube servers at that time. After that, wait for your video to be processed – you can see if the process is over in YouTube Video Manager if you get impatient. Step 5: When the video has finished processing, know that it will take a while for it to be subtitled. The duration again depends on the server load of YouTube at that time of the day. I’ve tried doing this with a few videos, all for a few minutes. In some cases, it only took a few minutes while there was a delay when the process took 15 minutes. However, it is still fast. When it is done, you will see an icon (as in the screenshot) highlighted under your video called TranscriptionClick on the transcription button

Step 6: You can now copy your transcription and correct the errors. If the speaker is doing this in a clear way and there isn’t too much noise around it, it should be pretty accurate.

Cool Tip If you don’t understand what YouTube transcribed, you can just click that line and you will be taken to the specific moment in the video so you don’t have to scroll through everything to find something.


If you need a quick transcript of an audio memo, this is an easy way to do it. The results aren’t always perfect, but it can be helpful. We have many more YouTube hacks, Tips and resources here.

Tran­scribe Audio Notes Using YouTube Auto Captions: Guide: benefits


Final note

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