Guide: Trans­fer Own­er­ship of Doc­u­ment in Google Drive: Guide

Google Drive is one of the most popular online document suite. We use it here at Guiding Tech for management purposes. It’s free, it’s backed by Google’s cloud capabilities, and it’s more stable with any other online productivity suite. Transfer all things | Shutterstock. It won’t be hard to say that you are using Docs, Sheets, and Slides for personal or business use. Google Drive has a user-friendly interface for browsing and viewing files. But there isn’t really a tool to transfer ownership of a file from one account to another. Yes, you can share documents, but that will only give the other person access to the file. Ultimate control over admin tools for the file remains with the original owner. Today we will talk about two methods of transferring ownership of a document from one account to another.

1. Use the Share Feature

Any document in Google Drive can be shared. Open the document and click on it Share button in the upper right corner. Or select a file in Google Drive and click on it Share button from the toolbar.

You see a pop-up. At the bottom of the person’s email, type to share the document with them. If you already share the document with the person, you don’t have to.

After the person has been added, it will appear in the top section. Next to their name, you will see a drop-down list of the rights the person has. Click on it and select Owner. This transfers ownership of the document to the person.

Google Drive Pro tips If you’re new to Google’s productivity suite, check out our guides about the best Google Docs extensions for writers and how Google Docs compares to Quip.

2. Manual download / upload

If you are using Google Drive on a Google Apps account, the document can only be transferred between an account hosted on the same domain. So you basically cannot transfer ownership of a Google Apps document to your personal Gmail account. But there is of course a solution for that. An old download / upload action.

Go to the relevant document, click File -> Download and select Microsoft Excel. The document will be downloaded to your computer. Now switch to the account where you need to upload the file, go to, click New -> Upload File and choose the file. It is then uploaded to the account.

How do you use Google Drive?

Because Drive is built on a spreadsheet and word processor, there are no limits to all the creative ways you can use the system. Are you using it for sending mail merge mail merge newsletters? Or for support up posts on your Facebook page via IFTTT? Share your creations in the comments below.

Trans­fer Own­er­ship of Doc­u­ment in Google Drive: Guide: benefits


Final note

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