Guide: Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial

When we talk about lists, they are incomplete without the option to add sub-items. With a good list app, you can always create nested lists. Until January, Google Keep did not have the sublists feature, but luckily, that has changed. Speaking of lists, Keep supports two types of lists: bulleted lists and to-do lists. Let’s give credit where we need to. While Google Keep is a note-taking app, we can indent items in both types of lists. Let’s get to know it how to do that.

Create bulleted lists

You can choose the bulleted lists if you want to create a list without the checkboxes. The items in this list are automatically preceded by a bullet point. Google Keep supports three bullets: dash (-), asterisks, or star and point. To create a bulleted list, open the note in Google Keep and type a dash/hyphen (-) or a star followed by space. Then type your first list item.

Nested Google Keep sublists 1

Nested Google Keep sublists 2

To add new items, hit Enter and you will see Keep automatically adding a bullet point. If you entered a dash (-), all bullets will have a dash (-) before and in the same way, if you go with an asterisk / star mobile , they all have a period before it (.). Basically, when you press the space after the star , it becomes a point. To use the star format, press Backspace once. Nested bulleted lists

apps or website, follow the steps: Step 1:

Step 2: At any point where you want to create a sublist, press Backspace to remove the automatically created bullet. Nested Google Keep sublists 4

Step 3:

Use the spacebar to add spaces to indent the position of the sublist. You can add as many spaces as you want. Once in the desired position use the above method to create a list i.e. type a dash (-) or a star followed by space and the first list item. Then press Enter to create a second sub-item and so on.

In the same way you can create another list under a sublist. All you need to do is add spaces and make a list.

Nested Google Keep sublists 6 Stop list

If you also press the Enter key on an empty bullet point, the list will be aborted. mobile Make to-do lists

Nested Google Keep sublists 7

app and tap the plus icon in the bottom left corner. Then select checkboxes.

Nested Google Keep sublists 8 mobile Nested Google Keep sublists 9 On the website, click the three-dot menu below the note and select Show Checkboxes. Nested Google Keep sublists 10

Nested task lists Mobile Unlike bulleted lists, where you can create as many hierarchies as possible, task lists allow only one hierarchy, ie items can only be moved one step to the right. The method to create nested lists differs on the website and

apps. Here are the steps for both. mobile Note:

Nested lists

Apps To create a nested list on Google Keep

Nested Google Keep sublists 11 [Thiswillmovetheitemtowardstheleft

Geneste lijsten op website

Er zijn twee manieren om geneste takenlijsten op de website te maken. De eerste methode omvat eenvoudig slepen en neerzetten en de tweede is het gebruik van de sneltoetsen. Maak bij de eerste methode eerst een takenlijst. Beweeg vervolgens uw muis over een item in de lijst en sleep het naar rechts met behulp van het verplaatsingspictogram vóór de items. Sleep het naar links om het terug te brengen naar de oorspronkelijke positie. Geneste sublijsten Google Keep 12 Om een ​​lijstitem te laten inspringen met de sneltoets, houdt u de muisaanwijzer op het lijstitem en drukt u op Ctrl +]to move it to the right. To delete the sublist, press Ctrl +[. This moves the item to the left. Make a list! So this was How to create nested lists in Google Keep. If you want more, you can switch to a dedicated list app like Microsoft To-do,, or even Google’s own app called Google Tasks.

Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial: benefits

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Final note

I hope you like the guide Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regards the Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide Use Nest­ed Lists in Google Keep: Tips and Tutorial, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, here is our Telegram channel.

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