Guide: Use White­board in Zoom: Tips and Tutorials

The use of the zoom software is at its peak. While working home, Zoom packages enough features to host virtual meetings and webinars. From educators who teach online classes to small and medium-sized offices exchanging ideas with their clients – everyone can make the most of it. And when such exchange is involved, users have to share screen and use whiteboard features in Zoom. But many wonder, how do they use a zoom whiteboard? While the usual screen sharing remains everyone’s go-to feature, the whiteboard feature remains a bit elusive. Whiteboard is useful during situations such as brainstorming plans with a team, explaining a topic in detail, sharing your ideas, and you can always get more creative with it. In this post, we are going to talk about the Zoom whiteboard feature. Where it can be found it is features, and others tips and tricks regarding the whiteboard.

Where is the whiteboard zoom feature?

As mentioned earlier, the Whiteboard feature is not available in advance. It is available through the meeting screen sharing option. Follow the steps below to access it. Step 1: Open the Zoom app and select New meeting to start a new meeting. Share the meeting ID and password with the team members.

Step 2: Once everyone has joined the meeting, you can click the Share Screen option in the bottom menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt + S to start sharing the screen.

Step 3: Before you start screen sharing, you need to enable some options through the advanced sharing options. Click on the small upward arrow on it Share Screen buttonat the top right corner and select Advanced sharing options.

Step 4: In the next window choose ‘One participant can share at the same time’ at the first option. Then select Host Only for Who Can Share? option. When you choose these two options, Zoom disables screen sharing for other participants. Step 5: Now tap on screen sharing or use the shortcut Alt + S to open the screen sharing menu. Step 6: Here you have a lot of screen sharing options. You can select the open app windows, add files from OneDrive or Google Drive, use the portion of the screen, or choose the whiteboard feature. Step 7: Select Whiteboard and tap share in the lower right corner.

Zoom opens the whiteboard with a toolbar that contains many functions that can be used on the whiteboard. Let’s go through them.

Whiteboard editing functions

Unlike the standard Microsoft Teams whiteboard, Zoom offers a bundle of useful ones features for the presenter on the whiteboard. Let’s take a look at some of the essential options available. Trek: The drawing menu consists of a number of shapes that you can choose. You can use an arrow, circle, rectangle and other tools from the drawing menu. It’s much better than Microsoft’s highlighter and pen tool in Teams.

Stamp: As the name suggests, the stamp menu offers several ready-to-use stamps. They include arrow, star, heart, question mark, cross mark, etc. You can just select the relevant stamp from the menu and tap the whiteboard to add them.

Text and Format menu: This is one of the many reasons why many prefer Zoom to Microsoft Teams to use Whiteboard. Zoom allows you to add text on the whiteboard. You can also change the text color and size and add a bold or italic effect to it.

Apart from that, you can use the undo, redo and erase option to make the changes. The save button is a must-have for everyone. After brainstorming ideas with team members, you need to save the current whiteboard to the PC. You can press Save and it will save the whiteboard as an image in the Zoom folder on the device.

If the single whiteboard is small enough for you, you can tap the small icon below the whiteboard and it will open the new whiteboard for you. You can switch between the two using the arrows.

A certainty feature to keep in mind when sharing the whiteboard in Zoom. During the live video call, you can tap Security button at the top of the screen pane and uncheck Annotate on Shared Content in the Allow Participants menu. It prevents other members from taking notes on the split screen in Zoom.

Chat while sharing screen

During live screen sharing, you can also chat with other team members. Press the shortcut Alt + H to transfer up the group chat window. Otherwise, you have to move the cursor at the top of the screen to bring up the options menu and tap the More option on the right. Pro Tip Use Zoom hot keys to quickly access options instead of scrolling through the menus. Select Chat from the next menu and it will open the chat window to send everyone a message. You can also use the file integration from the chat windows and share the relevant files with the team members.

Record meeting

Zoom also allows you to record a meeting for future reference. To record the meeting, you can press Alt + R to start recording. You can also tap the More option in the options bar at the top of the window and select Record to start recording. You can record a simple video or video with audio of your screen sharing session or the whiteboard activities.

Use Whiteboard like a pro

I see Zoom’s whiteboard feature gaining popularity in the education industry. I’ve seen teachers use it to mimic the physical classroom board on Zoom’s whiteboard and teach the long topics using the multiple boards in Zoom. As for us, we use Zoom Whiteboard to discuss code logic with the junior developers on the team. The next up: Want to learn how to Using Zoom as a power user? We have a great one guide that will help you with this. See below.

Use White­board in Zoom: Tips and Tutorials: benefits


Final note

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