Guide: Using Google Forms in Google Classroom: Guide

Google Classroom is the company’s digital way of moving ongoing classes in schools and colleges to the web. Teachers and students alike can use Classroom to get things done with assignments, grades, class discussions, and more. Classroom witnessed a spike in usage since the lockdown in several countries around the world. While preparing or working on assignments, Google Forms can be an essential tool for getting things done easily. As expected, the Classroom closely integrates other Google services such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, YouTube, Google Drawing, Calendar, Google Drive and Google Forms. Each software plays a big role in dealing with different types of jobs. For teachers, it gives them the flexibility to create and assign different types of assignments for students. Students can use Google services for a seamless classroom submission experience. Of the services listed, Google Forms is arguably one of the most important services out there. In this post, we will do that guide you to how to use Google Forms effectively in Google Classroom.

Where’s Google Forms in Google Classroom

Teachers can open any class and go to the Classwork section. That’s where they can create a new assignment for the class. If you need to do the same, go to Create> Assignment> Add a relevant title, instructions (optional), and tap the Create button At the bottom.

The floating menu allows you to add a form from the Google Forms service. Alternatively, if you are creating a quiz assignment for the class, go to Classroom> Create> Quiz Assignment and a Google form will be automatically created for you.

How to Use Google Forms effectively

Google Forms is especially useful for teachers to create a quiz assignment for the class. When you create an assignment with Google Forms, the software takes you to the separate Google Forms tab in the browser. Now let’s see all the options to create an effective quiz assignment for the students. The default Google Forms tab looks boring. You must make all changes to the desired result. First, let’s take a look at the design options in Google Forms. You can tap the theme icon above and customize the theme menu for Google Forms.

There are four options to go through. Choose a header image for Google Forms. You can select themed photos divided into different categories, including work and school, birthday, wedding, kids only, and more. You can also upload photos from the PC or Google Photos. Usually, the theme photos of School go well.

Based on the added theme cover, the form changes background color. You can also change the theme manually from the Customize menu. Users can also change the font. Basic fonts are usually fine, but you can also opt for Formal fonts to add a professional touch. The form builder menu is the most important thing to master in Google Forms. Google Forms is flexible enough to give you several options to create the perfect form.

First you need to add a title and description of the form. For questions, you have several options to choose from. You can add a new question, give it a relevant title and then answer the multiple choice question. Depending on the question, you can select a short answer, paragraph, check box, drop-down list, check box grid, and more. If you’ve already created another question form, you can also use Google Forms to import questions from the previous form. Google Forms also offers the option to add images or videos to create a media-based quiz.

If you don’t want to create Google Form from scratch, you can go through the Google Forms Templates section and check out some built-in forms.

Go through the Google Forms settings

You have added the relevant header, theme, fonts and questions. Now it is time to go through the Google Forms settings and make the relevant changes. Tap the Settings icon at the top and go to the General tab. Turn on the collection of email addresses so you can see the email addresses of the students who are responding to the Google Forms. Teachers should turn off Edit after submission and view summary tables and text responses for the students.

Now go to the Quizzes menu and enable to make this a quiz option. This is the must-have as it allows you to assign point values ​​and markers to any question in Google Forms. You can also enable options such as Respondent can see – Missed questions, correct answer and point value.

After making the changes, you can click Submit button in the top right corner and it will ask you to confirm the Google Classroom name and subject, and you can add a custom message for the students. Now go to the link options and copy the generated link for the Google Forms.

Go back to Google Classroom and select Add> Link and paste the link for the created Google form. Before assigning the quiz to students, add points, due date, and subject name, then select Assign in the top right corner.

Use Google Classroom like a pro

Google Forms is an important tool for both students and teachers using Google Classroom. Teachers can get creative with Google Forms to create quiz-based papers and assignments and assign them to students in the classroom. Learning can also be fun. The next up: Are you a student and do you want to master the Google Classroom? Read the post below to find the top tips and tricks of Google Classroom for students.

Using Google Forms in Google Classroom: Guide: benefits


Final note

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