Guide: Using Log­ic Jump for Mul­ti­ple Choice in Typeform: Guide

The logical leap feature in Typeform is one of the most useful features to keep your forms and surveys neat and organized. This feature helps you eliminate a complex process where your form is too cluttered with unnecessary questions. It also becomes convenient for the respondents to answer your surveys as they don’t have to go through questions that are of no interest to them. Basically, Logic Jump helps to put the ‘If or Else’ situation in your forms. All you need to do is mix a few interactive elements into your form and you’ll have an engaging form in no time. And well, the analysis part also gets easier. The good thing about Logic Jump in Typeform forms is that they apply to most question types, including multiple choice or MCQs. And well, the installation process isn’t difficult either. So let’s take a look how to go for it.

How to Add logic to the mix

Creating a long and complicated form can be a challenging affair, and it would affect anyone losing sight of the questions and the flow. Hence, it is always advisable to have a rough sketch on hand before proceeding. The good thing about branching in Typeform is that you can see a nice flowchart as you continue to branch. That will help you step back in case you notice problems with the jumps.

Note: Logic Jump in Typeform is a paid one feature

Then create the different sections to which you want to branch your questions. Once done, get ready to associate the question with their respective sections. In my case, if you select Branch A, the flow should go to Branch A questions, and the same goes for Branch B and C. Once you’ve answered the relevant Branch questions, the flow should go to question 7, which is common question. Step 2: To add a jump, click the Logical Jump icon> Add Logical Jump and add the condition followed by the link to the sections, as shown in the screenshot below.

As mentioned earlier, the flow chart makes the process easy to understand. At the same time, if you are in Editor mode, you should see which section your answer will jump to. Step 3: However, we are not done yet. We need to do the same for branch B and branch C. To do this, double click on the little plus icon to add two more logical leaps.

The problem with Logic Jump is that unless you add a specific ‘Else’ condition, all your questions will follow the chronology of the questions. In my case, if I have the final Else condition, Branch A (Q # 4) will always be sent to (Q # 5 and Q # 6), and the same is true for Branch B.

Of course we don’t want this.

Do the same for both Q # 5 and Q # 6. In the end, your flowchart should look like this.

After creating a draft, click on the Test Logic in the top right corner to check the logic. If everything is aligned properly it should work. Your logical branching form has been created. Things can be a bit confusing at first. But chances are, you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

Bonus type form Tips Tricks

1. Response validation

As with Logic Jump, Typeform also bundles a few extra featuresAnd one of the most useful is the option to add validations. So if you want a grade-based field to not accept zeros as answers or a text field to only accept long answers, it’s all possible. Tap the small screwdriver icon next to each question and you’ll be taken to the Settings page. Here you need to add the necessary validation.

To go to the next question, click the arrow next to Question Settings.

2. Change the color scheme

If you choose to go with one of the templates, chances are your form will look nice and nice. But did you know that you can still choose different themes in addition to the template colors? Yes, you read that right. Not only are there many themes to choose from, but you can go straight ahead and tweak it according to your choice.

To do this, click on the drop-shaped icon in the left menu and select one of the themes. The best part is that you can see what your form looks like in the right panel. Cool right?

Create the right branch

As people’s attention spans get shorter by the day, you should present your data succinctly. In addition, you make sure that your form does not look like it came from the Stone Age. Which feature do you like the most about Typeform? You know where the comment section is. The next up: Are you a Google Forms user? To learn how to limit responses in Google Forms.

Using Log­ic Jump for Mul­ti­ple Choice in Typeform: Guide: benefits


Final note

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