Guide: What makes Freelancing Similar To Corporate Job

If you ask a freelancer why he or she started freelancing, you will get answers like ‘I wanted to work for myself’, ‘I love being my own boss’,’ I freelance because of the flexibility it offers ‘etc. heart all those answers mean the same: they wanted to escape the box nation While freelancers have indeed escaped ‘confinement’ in a box, they can’t quite escape all the things that made their business life difficult. Since you are now alone (as a freelancer), you have to do all the things that your colleagues in their respective departments do on behalf of the company. You should at least know that there are elements that remain the same in the working life of the company and when you are no longer there, and prepare accordingly.

1. Salary / rate negotiations

In a business job, 9-to-5 workers receive a fixed salary and a structured salary increase. On the face of it, freelancers are the exact opposite. They set their own rates and can increase them whenever they want. In reality, however, regularly employees negotiate their salary just as freelancers negotiate their rates with clients. (Image Source: Freelancer at a Glance) The only difference is that 9-to-5s only do it when they take a job or negotiate a pay rise; freelancers do it regularly, client for client. So unless you’ve listed flat rates on your website, you’re actually negotiating your rates more than ever about your full-time job salary.

2. Accountability

Freelancers boast that they are not accountable to anyone but themselves. I do not agree with it. We are accountable to our customers. Of course, no one asks us what we do with our time, or checks us all day long, but on deadline day the client expects to get their results from you. In the end, a freelancer is accountable to his / her client. If you miss a deadline, you can’t simply say ‘Oh sorry, I didn’t meet the deadline’. Explanation must be given and in most cases a client is right the right to dock fees because of your inertia While full-timers report to their superiors, freelancers report to their clients. The accountability cycle is in place – it’s only the names and designations of whom we report to that have changed.

3. Responsibility

While you may not be fully responsible for a single project or deadline, working in a company gives you a bit of a safety net in terms of taking the blame when things go wrong. In a business environment, the manager takes the rap for a failed project no matter which of his or her subordinates were the fluke. In freelancing, congratulations, you will be blamed for ALL, regardless of your position, if something goes wrong.

4. Office politics

Office workers have to deal with office politics and the different behaviors and personalities of their colleagues on a daily basis. From the passive-aggressive colleague to the know-it-all colleague, the limelight to the boss’s pet. If you’ve ever worked in an office setting, chances are you’ve seen them all. Freelancers also see these characters every day – only instead of colleagues do they experience them with their customersGather two or more freelancers and the topic of the client’s personalities will invariably come up up

5. Working outside office hours

If you started freelancing because you wanted the flexibility to work your own hours or fewer hours, it probably didn’t take you long to find out you actually work more hours as a freelancer than you did as a full-timer. (Image Source: firesprite) Even though many people work in corporate jobs outside of office hours, it is in fact a must for freelancers. Freelancers often have to work nights and even weekends to meet deadlines. If they want to make their freelance business a success, putting in long, hard hours is a must.

6. Get a promotion

In a corporate environment, employees receive promotions like recognition of their hard work and dedicationFor freelancers it’s pretty much the same except they give themselves the promotion, or a break, or a raise, or a new gadget, etc. Getting their rates up and dealing with larger clients, etc. Are all part of that promotion .

7. bigger and better opportunities

Whether within the company or with another, corporate employees are always looking for their next big break – whether it’s a new appointment, job, benefits or environment. Freelancers are the same. We are always looking for our next big customer. We are always looking for bigger and better opportunities that allow us to earn more. Just as no employee sticks to one company their entire life, a freelancer does not stay with that one customer. It’s just not in nature of how a freelance business is done. Of course, every freelancer has clients they keep, but that partnership isn’t indefinite. They will eventually move on to other customers.

So what’s the difference?

When there are so many similarities, are we kidding ourselves into believing we are better off as freelancers? Is moving from a full-time job at a company to a freelancing company just a change in the landscape? The answer is no. There is a big difference between a full-time corporate job and a freelance job: flexibility and controlWith a full-time job you have no flexibility. You can’t start work later if you want to go to the gym in the morning, you can’t just take the afternoon off, and you certainly can’t just turn off your computer and leave work to pick up up your children in the middle of the day. As a freelancer you have control over how much you earn, who you want to work with, on which days and hours you work. Best of all, you can increase your rates, let go of customers you don’t want to work with, and find more, better paying customers. You have the freedom and control to make all of these decisions when you freelance, and this is what makes it all worthwhile.

What makes Freelancing Similar To Corporate Job: benefits


Final note

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