Guide: What’s the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book

Imagine your parents join Facebook, and they add you. Clumsy, right? First, you would remember not to accept the request. But that will not be the case. So you add them. But after doing this, you want to hide your messages from them. Then you would remember to block them. But that is too harsh. You should limit them instead. What’s the difference between blocking and restricting on Facebook? Find the answer here. The usual way of hiding individual posts is a bit hectic, as you have to change the privacy setting every time you post. And you will constantly think about whether you made the change or not. To simplify things, you can put them on the Restricted list. Let’s take a look at how the throttle and block options differ from each other.

What is block

Blocking is a way to avoid all kinds of communication on Facebook with the other person. Blocking is not limited to just communication. Both parties cannot see each other. Easy said words, it’s like the other person doesn’t exist on Facebook. You can read our detailed walkthrough of what happens when you block someone on Facebook.

What does restriction on Facebook mean

Facebook has no specific feature called ‘restrict’ as present on Instagram. However, there is a type of friends list, the limited list with exclusive powers. You have to add people to the Restricted list to narrow them down. And when you do this, they won’t be able to see your posts unless the privacy setting is set to Public or you tag them. It’s a watered-down version of blocking people without letting them know.

This is how it works. If you put your boss on the Restricted list and post something to Facebook with Friends selected as the audience, your boss won’t see it. You don’t have to change the audience when posting; The limited list takes care of it. But if you post something with a privacy setting or tag your boss in an official photo, your boss will see it. Now that you know about both features let’s see what happens to different things on Facebook when you use either.

Does not limit or block Friendship with you

If you put someone on the Restricted List, your friends will stay on Facebook. However, blocking a person unfriends you. This means you will both be removed from each other’s friends list.

You can see each other’s messages if you restrict or block someone.

In this area, things differ enormously for both. As mentioned before, blocking makes the other person invisible to you. Since you cannot see the other person on Facebook, there is no way you will be able to see their posts on your feed. And this applies to both parties. Neither you nor the blocked person can see each other’s new and old messages. It also doesn’t matter whether the message is Public or set to Friends only – you can’t view it. The restriction is a one-way street. When you restrict a person, they won’t be able to see your future posts. However, it is only valid if you choose the Friends privacy setting. If you go with Public as Public, everyone, including the people on the Restricted list, will see it. Additionally, if you tag the person, they can see that post too.

Furthermore, nothing will change for you. That is, you can still see that person’s messages depending on the privacy settings you choose. And when it comes to the old posts, you can still view them by visiting the timeline. However, it again depends on the individual message settings.

Can you post it on the wall?

Not in the case of block. Since you don’t have access to the profile, none of you can post on the wall. But yes, both can post on each other’s wall in case someone is restricting someone.

What happens to stories

Facebook stories, which is a different feature of posting to the news feed, also bear the brunt of these two features blocking someone also hides stories. So you cannot view each other’s stories just like posts. On the other hand, the people on the Restricted List can’t see your stories, but you can see their stories.

Can you message each other?

Not in the case of someone blocking. Both lose the right to message each other. There is one exception, however. You will still see each other in typical group chats on Messenger. And the old message thread stays in Messenger. If the thread bothers you, archive it instead of deleting it.

Nothing changes in terms of messages for the restricted list. You can still message each other usually.

What happens to tags

If you block someone, you can’t tag them, and they can’t. But you can both tag each other in the case of the limited list. And when you tag the restricted person, they will see the message, even if the privacy setting is set to Friends.

What happens to community groups

Facebook groups remain untouched, whether you block or restrict someone. That is, you can still see messages from each other in the common groups. However, in the event that you block someone, you will not be able to click or tap on their profile as their name will be shown in black instead of blue.

Other people will know when you restrict or block them.

Not really. Although the other person is not notified in either case, they may feel something is wrong. When blocked, your profile disappears from their view. They may think you have deactivated your account. But your secret will be revealed if they ask someone else to check your profile, check their messages, or use other techniques to find out who blocked them. Regarding restrictions, it is somewhat difficult to know unless the person is close to you. That’s because someone else might not notice that they don’t see your messages. Only the person around you will notice that something is wrong. If they ask a mutual friend to check your recent messages, the secret will be that you hid the messages from them. But there is no direct way to know if someone has restricted you or not unless the person tells you.

Are both permanent

Yes. Unlike Snooze, which only lasts for 30 days, block and restriction modes will continue until you manually revoke them.

What happens if you unblock and remove it from the restricted list

When you unblock a person, one of you has to send a friend request to stay friends on Facebook because blocking unfriends you. If they are accepted, things will go back to normal. However, if you don’t add it or the person declines it, both of you will only see the posts set to Public. You cannot post to their wall or view their stories. If you remove someone from the Restricted list, they will have the option to revisit your usual posts and stories, even if it is set to Friends only. Since other things remain unchanged when you restrict a person, they continue to function normally.

How to Restrict someone on Facebook

This can be done in two ways.

Method 1: from Facebook profile

Here is how to go for it.


On the Facebook website, open the profile you want to restrict and click the Friends button select Add to another list. Click on Restricted.


Open the profile in the Android app and tap the Friends option followed by Edit Friends List.

Select Limited from the list. There is a blue check mark next to the selected lists.


On the iPhone, go to the profile and tap the friend’s icon followed by Friends on the next screen.

Tap Edit Friends Lists and choose Limited. Tap Done.

Method 2: from lists

On the Facebook website, click the Friends List option in the left sidebar under Explore. If the option is missing, please open the link Click on Restricted.

You will be taken to the restricted list. Here you will see everyone on the list. Use the box on the right that says “Add friends to this list” to search for the friend you want to add to this list. Note: This method does not work on Facebook mobile apps.

How to Get someone from the restricted list

On the mobile apps, repeat the steps above to add them to the Restricted list in method 1. Turn off Restricted in the last step. Method 1 also works for the Facebook website. On the Facebook website, you can do it differently by following method 2. That is, visit Click on Restricted.

Then click the Manage list in the top right, followed by the Edit list. Click the name of the person you want to remove from the list.

How to Block someone on Facebook

Open the profile on the Facebook website and click the three-dot icon next to the cover photo. Select Block from the menu.

In the Android app, tap the three-dot icon on the person’s profile screen and select Block.

On the iPhone, tap the friend’s icon and select Block.

How to Unblock someone on Facebook

To do this on the mobile apps, go to Settings & privacy> Settings> Block. Tap Unblock next to the person.

Open Settings on the website and click Block on the left. Click Unblock for the person you want to unblock under the Block Users section. You can also use the same method to block a person. Tip As you can see in the screenshot, you can also access the restricted list from this page.

How to Block people with disabilities

You can block restricted people the same way you do for others. There is no other special method.

What’s worse: blocking or limiting

Both privacy settings help you avoid people. While one is way too harsh, the other is a bit polite and hidden. When it comes to being the worst, block rules. When you block someone, you no longer exist for them and vice versa. It’s the toughest punishment you can give someone on Facebook. It’s so strict that even you lose the power to view their profile. On the contrary, restricting someone automatically hides your messages from them. They would never know they were restricted. If you want to hide your messages and also stop viewing other people’s messages without blocking them, check out Facebook Take a break feature To see the difference between other privacy options on Facebook, read the following post: take a break, unfriend, and don’t follow the link below again.

What’s the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book: benefits


Final note

I hope you like the guide What’s the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends. For our visitors: If you have any queries regarding the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book, please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Education: This guide or tutorial is just for educational purposes. Misinformation: If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide “What’s the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book”, then kindly contact us. Want to add an alternate method: If anyone wants to add more methods to the guide What’s the difference between Restrict and Block on Face­book, then kindly contact us. Our Contact: Kindly use our contact page regards any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (Weekend off). Channel: If you want the latest software updates and discussion about any software in your pocket, then here is our Telegram channel.

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