Guide: You can Test Your Codes Online on these Websites

Modern trends and web apps have drastically changed the way web developers can build. Obviously, you will need some type of IDE to encrypt and store new files for implementation. But what about testing your code snippets? More tools are now available than ever before! In this article I want to outline 10 interesting web apps to test your code onlineAll of these apps require an internet connection, and some of the more advanced editors offer professional plans to upgrade your account featuresBut most of these tools will certainly come in handy when you’re debugging a block of JavaScript or PHP.

Code path

Originally created by Steven Hazel, Code path is a unique web app that allows you to share code syntax on the web. Rather than just debugging, Codepad lets you copy and paste important pieces of code to share online. The run screen will display any error messages associated with your code. The left menu radio buttons allows you to change the parsing language from C / C ++, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and many more. I would say Codepad is really for software engineers who need to collaborate and debug their more confusing programs.


In the same way as above, jsbin is a simple JavaScript debugging console. Their pitch involves a collaborative effort where you can share a private link with other developers and write together in real time. Their interface can be a bit confusing for newbies. The developers set up some online tutorials which you can read if you are interested. Basically you can choose from any number of JS libraries – jQuery, JQuery UI, jQM, Prototype, MooTools, there are dozens to choose from.

As you code different elements, the drafts are automatically saved. You have the option of adding your final product or keep the source code online. Their system is much more advanced for exporting and saving your code as a bare template.


Anyone who has browsed through Stack Overflow should be aware of this jsFiddleTheir interface is a big difference compared to JSBin along with support for more complex functions. You can immediately sign up for a free account and start saving your code samples online. jsFiddle offers a short URL that you can share around the web via Twitter, Facebook, and even Stack. But note that you don’t need an account to start coding. It’s just useful feature to keep everything organized. jsFiddle also supports the inclusion of libraries such as Prototype and jQuery. You can add additional external resources to JS / CSS files in any test document. Incredibly, their app even supports XHR Ajax, where you can send data back and forth between the server and the client’s browser window.


CodePen is more of a social media for web developers than just a code playground. Not only can we see people sharing codes in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which is called a Pen, but we can also give a ‘Like’ the Pen, add a comment, compile a collection of Pens, create a post and follow the challenge to a level up our skill in web development.


Code sandbox is a complete-featured JavaScript playground. In addition to running a Vanilla JavaScript code or framework such as React.js, Vue.js and Svelte, you can also run a working Node.js application. This means that you can define the Node.js requirements in the package.json file. Code sandbox automatically downloads dependencies from NPM. It also provides access to a web-based terminal so that you can run all NPM scripts directly from the browser. To find cool stuff built into CodeSandbox, see the Explore page.


WebMaker is a code playground for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Pre-processor such as Sass, LESS and JSX. WebMaker automatically compiles this pre-processor syntax so that the browser renders the code correctly. You can use the extension in the browser or install the extension in Chrome so you can still play with code offline. When you are done experimenting with your code, you can save your work locally, download the files, or share it in CodePen.


We’ve moved from the world of scripting to style sheet language CSSDeskYou have a similar setup to the rest, with your source code on the left and final web page render on the right. This web app is great for building small web page templates and testing the longer CSS3 properties with gradients and box shadows. This app also allows you to download source code as files to your computer. It can be a solid substitute in situations where you’re working on one laptop without any IDE software. Or you can also generate a short URL link to share online. Then other developers can come in and edit what you’ve already created – an interesting solution for sure!


IDE One is another tool based on in-depth programming and software development. Their online editor supports syntax highlighting for some very prominent languages. These include Objective-C, Java, C #, VB.NET, SQL and many more. What’s great about their app is How to quickly debug many different programming languages ​​from the same page. You can also save this source code via a unique URL for sharing on the Internet. However, I feel that their layout is very cluttered with ads and other content, it makes using their website difficult. It would be really cool to see the ability to include alternative code libraries like Cocoa Touch for iPhone app development.


The self-proclaimed JavaScript code quality tool has to be JSLintTheir website is a bit strange, but the code editor works exactly as you’d expect. You may find the options very confusing if you haven’t used their framework before. It is possible to work with open source code such as Node.js if you have the skills. But a lot of the source code doesn’t even support syntax highlighting, a big disappointment when you can choose from so many other options. I would check out JSLint if you have the time, but it might not be your favorite online JavaScript debugger.

SQL violin

We previously saw the power of a web application like jsFiddle. Now we can see SQL violin which works the same way except for SQL database syntax. I have yet to find an alternative to database code testing and this is by far my favorite choice. All output data of your SQL code will appear in a table below the editors. You can write some code on the right to implement new data and generate a schema on the left. This database schema is SQL code that you can save to export your current database and reinstall everything on a new server. If you are not familiar with databases or SQL language, this app will not be of much help. But even for new developers interested in learning SQL, this is great! Check out one of their basic code examples so you can get an idea of ​​how the app works.

Final Thoughts

With more computers connected online, it becomes easier for developers to collaborate and collaborate in the browser.  We see more and more technologies shifting from local applications, and who knows how far this trend will go?

I hope this collection of code testing tools can get you thinking about the modern development environment. It’s so easy to quickly put together an HTML / CSS web project and have a little demo preview in minutes. Remember these are only tools to help guide you along the path to your final Product. If you have any suggestions or questions about the article, feel free to share your thoughts in the discussion area below.

You can Test Your Codes Online on these Websites: benefits

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Final note

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