Guide: Zoho Docs vs Google Docs: Comparison and Review

When it comes to word processing, Google Docs is one of the most popular choices. Whether it concerns cooperation features or editing tools; Docs has certainly managed to get many addicted to its simple interface. However, it is not the only word processor out there. Another resource that has risen rapidly up the popularity ladder is Zoho Docs, or Zoho Writer, to be precise. Zoho Writer is the word processor of Zoho Docs. As with Google Docs, it comes with collaboration features and a nice interface that can entice anyone looking for a switch. So, should you switch from plain old Google Docs to Zoho Writer? Well, that’s what we’ll find in our post today as we weigh both Google Docs and Zoho Writer to see which one excels as the better document management tool. As we do with most of our equations, we’re going to put the common features first and then move on to the unusual.


But before we get started, let’s take a look at the interface first as this is one aspect that largely determines your productivity levels. When it comes to Google Docs, the style of the top ribbon is reminiscent of MS Word.

There you will find all commonly used tools. But if you need a little more, you should go through the tabs on the top ribbon, unless you know your way around keyboard shortcuts. In contrast, Zoho Writer puts all its tools in the left panel. Whether it’s the Edit or Page Setup tools, you will find it all. What I like about Writer is that each option is marked with a small icon, making it easy for beginners to know what they are doing.

Moreover, it also helps to give the tool a modern look.

Common Features

1. Spell check

If you are talking about a word processing service, a spell check is a must. Both Google Docs and Zoho Writer don’t disappoint. Both services highlight the misspelled word in red, and while Docs gives you the correct word for it, Writer goes a few steps further and suggests a few alternatives as well. And very clearly, this one words look like the one you misspelled. So when I mistyped ‘Disspaoint’ in Zoho when I actually meant ‘disappointed’, the system suggested ‘disspirit’ or ‘dissipation’ to me. If you think the word you have written is correct, you can add it to the dictionary directly from the context menu.

When it comes to predictions, no one does it better than Google, whether it is predicting what you type or what to buy next. Creepy, yes. But super helpful. Fortunately, the same is also reflected in Docs. So when I write “Disspaoint,” Docs rightly points out that I actually meant “disappoint.”

And if it’s a word you misspell often, you can always ask Docs to change the word every time you repeat the mistake. For example, my brain is wired to spell ‘The’ as ‘Teh’. So every time I write ‘Teh’ it is automatically corrected automatically.

Moreover, the thesaurus is just a click away. If you are concerned about the true meaning of a word, you can always bring up the dictionary. Both apps provide a dictionary for the same purpose, with the exception that Zoho also shows you the related words along with the synonyms.

Finally, some aspects of the spell check can be customized. If you want, you can choose to turn off grammar check or writing quality.

2. Supported file formats

Yes, writing online has its own advantages (you don’t have to worry about saving the file), but sometimes you have to save the document offline, be it for mailing or working on it offline. Google documents With both Docs and Writer, you can download documents in many formats, including DOCX, ODT, RTF and PDF. All you need to do is select Download as and the document will be downloaded to your computer.

Zoho Writer offers an extra feature known as Save As, which, as you suspected, allows you to save a specific document as a Word file or ODF file, among five other formats. All these documents can be found under the root folder in Zoho Docs.

3. Share documents and collaborate

When it comes to sharing and collaborating with others, Google Docs can be safely considered the numero uno. Not only can you share your documents with your clients or team members, but you can also publish them on the web. With Google Docs, you and your team members can work on a document at the same time. If we talk about numbers, Docs can help us up to a hundred people in real time.

As for the sharing option, you can limit it to View, Edit, or Read Only. While Writer follows almost the same sharing and collaboration features as Documents, users need to sign in to Zoho (the default subscription).

Besides sharing and collaboration features, Zoho also allows users to co-own a document.

In addition, an owner can lock a specific part of the document, making it immutable. Handy for important documents.

4. Templates

Google Docs is known for its collection of templates. To create a resume or newsletter, just select one from the template gallery. Since Zoho Writer is a business application, it also comes with a plethora of templates. From templates related to creative writing to resumes and cover letters, the wide range of templates will certainly not disappoint. Ultimately, the difference is easy access. Zoho Writer lists all categories on the left. So you just have to click on one of the categories and make your choice.

In contrast, although the Google Docs templates are also categorized, that’s not helpful button on the side panel. So if you need to use an education-related template, you’ll have to scroll all the way to the end of the page to get there.

Unusual Features

1. Type focus

For people like me who write for a living, a distraction-free focus mode is paramount. Imagine that there is nothing on your screen except the paragraph you are currently writing. Zen? I bet! Well if you are looking for such feature, let me tell you that Zoho Writer has it built in. When enabled, only the paragraph you are currently editing will be highlighted.

In contrast, Google Docs does not have this feature built-in. For that, you have to rely on a third-party add-on.

2. Document history

Imagine writing a long piece to find out that all of the content will be wiped out in an instant if you’re not careful with Redo and Undo. Fortunately for us, there is version control that allows us to go back in time. While both Google Docs and Zoho Writer save a version of your work, Writer goes the extra mile and allows you to compare two versions. All you need to do is click File> Document History and click Compare Version.

While it’s true that Google Docs shows you the changes in the different versions (the new additions are highlighted in green), it somehow pales in comparison to the way Writer handles it. On the other hand, Docs allows you to create a named version, and so does Writer. This feature is especially useful if you are part of a team working on different parts of a document, or if you are part of a document review process.

Zoho Writer allows you to combine an offline version of a revised document with the current document. Once both documents are combined, the changes are displayed as markup.

3. Advanced editing tools

As a new tool, Writer has several editing tools. Advanced editing tools such as embedding code or fillable fields go hand in hand with popular tools such as footnote or signature. That means, if you need to add a piece of a snippet of code, you can do it without losing formatting. You will be given the option to select both the language and the format. From Javascript to HTML code or JAVA code, you can choose from quite a large list.

The same goes for adding fillable elements to your document. And the interface is the icing on the cake.

On the contrary, Docs has all the tools necessary for a word processor. But if you have some advanced features as described above, you will need to take the help of a third-party add-on. In addition, Writer’s interface makes it incredibly convenient to access the tools. Instead of text, you have a small icon that does a pretty good job of getting you used to these tools.

4. Add-ons

When it comes to add-ons, Google Docs offers a lot of choices. Whether you want to create a diagram or add stylish fonts, just click and scroll through Add-ons.

Need to transfer?

So, would you switch? Zoho Writer’s modern touch and advanced editing tools seem pretty enticing. This is mainly because I don’t collaborate much with my team members. But if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate to go back to Google Docs. It’s easily accessible and all you need is a Google account, and you will be sorted. Another point to consider is that Google Docs is free. On the other hand, Zoho Docs offers a free plan for up up to 25 users (5 GB / user and 1 GB file upload limit), after which you should pay about $ 5 per user monthly. Upgrading unlocks several features such as a 100 GB / user storage plan, a 5 GB upload limit, and integration with Google apps. More importantly, you can send and share files and documents with non-Zoho users. The next up Are you considering switching from your native note taking app? Read the following comparison to find out if Zoho Notebook is the app for you.

Zoho Docs vs Google Docs: Comparison and Review: benefits

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Final note

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